
This session will provide participants insight on their personal style and how to read their colleagues/clients/prospects, thereby making the negotiation process easier to navigate. Understanding the personal preferences and style of the person sitting on the other side of the negotiating table provides people with a huge advantage. 

How hard should you push your negotiating partner? Since the styles vary so widely, understanding the basics of each personality and what they crave most is key to successfully navigating a negotiation with them. If you are heading into a negotiation with someone with a distinctive high C-Style, you’ll know to be prepared to discuss data, information and details. If you try the same method with a high I-Style, they may become disengaged or worse, feel overwhelmed and avoid contact with you.

Prerequisite: DiSC assessment and training


  • Revisit DiSC styles
  • Negotiation and stakeholder engagement
  • Stakeholders project alignment
  • Negotiation skills and DiSC style
  • Relating to dimension behavior

Enhanced Negotiation Skills using DiSC

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